Help us.

Race Ready is a non-profit and up to now been funded entirely by Matthew’s family and the generous time given by professional race medics. We’d really like to grow Race Ready and become self sufficient. See below for details on how you could help

How You Can Help?


If you can spare anything at all then we have just launched a CrowdFunder at this link:

Money raised will help us to attend more events, develop the app with new content, conduct research and develop new advice which is scientifically proven. Matthew’s family have kindly agreed to continue funding Race Ready until it can stand on its own feet.


We have partnered with many races and events but we can’t be everywhere at once. We’re just a tiny team. If you can spare the time then you could attend a race that we have partnered with and advocate our work. We’d provide flyers, T-Shirts and a stand.


At the end of the day there are many influential athletes out there. If you’re influential as an athlete, social influence or event a celebrity, then you can help get the word out. Please reach out to us so we can talk.


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